Keep Your Minds and Wings Open

“When you were young, you were able to do as you liked and go wherever you wanted to; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands and others will direct you and take you where you don’t want to go.”  Jesus said this to let him know what kind of death he would die to glorify God. Then Jesus told him, “Follow me.” (John 21:15-19 TLB)

Swoosh! “Ooooooo!” the crowd cheers in amazement as the falcon sweeps around the stadium, showing off its incomparable freedom. The falcon flies freely, weaving in and out of the heads of the audience, but at the sound of the handler’s whistle, it makes a beeline back to the handler. He straps on the bird’s eye mask and ankle-leashes, and after a bow to the crowd, he exits the stadium to teach his next audience about the beauty of birds. 

If you have ever seen a handler holding a demonstration bird on their hand, you have likely seen the tiny “helmet” the bird wears, along with the “leash” attached to its ankles. This sounds like it is cruel and uncomfortable for the bird, and while it may have been uncomfortable in the beginning of the bird’s training, it is now able to use the time before a performance to be calm and relaxed. Birds are born able to fly wherever they please, whenever they please.  However, we have trained some of them for hunting, education, etc. (which fulfills both our joys/wishes as well as the bird’s fundamental need to fly). The birds rapidly go from independent to being uncomfortable in the hands of a handler. Yet, when they are released in a stadium from the handler’s hands, they soar not only for their own enjoyment, but for the enjoyment and education of the audience. 

I think, in a way, we are similar to these birds. We are all born with a certain amount of independence, one that says we can do what we want, where we want, when we want. God’s plans for us may make us feel uncomfortable and uncertain, but with an open mind, we can hopefully adapt to the route that He has for us. While we are connected to God's will, we are the most free because He sets us free from the future pain and suffering for our sins - He defeated death, so we are free to live forever with him. 

When we exchange our will for God’s will for our lives, we are able to soar to bigger and better heights!

If something in your life is making you anxious or uncertain, remember to keep an open mind to God’s plan, and just then you may just be able to stretch your wings and soar higher than you ever thought you could.

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