Joyful Serving Reaps an Eternal Reward

“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” (Galatians 6:7).

Sometimes my best insights into Jesus come from my kids.

As they’ve gotten older, my wife and I have been giving them more responsibility around the house.  Otherwise known as “chores”.  We try to impart not just the value of hard work, but the feeling of accomplishment and ownership that comes from a job well done.  We want them to understand that when they do their part around the house, even if it seems small, it’s a big help to the entire family.

Getting the kids to do their chores regularly and getting them to do them well can be a challenge.  But I’ve found what frustrates me the most is not when they don’t do their chores, but when they do them with a bad attitude.  I can appreciate a clean room, but there’s sadness when it comes with, “Fine. It’s done. Are you happy now?”  Even when they do a great job cleaning, seeing that they found no joy or satisfaction from it can be heartbreaking.

In his letter, Paul is sharing how deeply important good works are for Christians.  But he’s also pointing out how this work reflects what’s in our hearts. “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows” says Paul.  God knows what’s in our hearts.  

God wants us to have joy in our hearts, and for that joy to be reflected in how and why we serve.  When we serve to please the Spirit, that reveals our strong connection to Jesus, through whom runs the path to eternal life.  It’s not the good acts themselves which lead to eternal life, but the truth of what’s in our hearts reflected in these acts.

Now I understand why I feel that little bit of heartbreak when my child “checks the box” on his list of chores but does so with no joy in his heart.  My kids are wonderful, and I know as they grow and I nurture them, and as I teach and they learn, they’ll find the joy in service.

It reminds me that my service should always reflect the love of Jesus, and I know his heart must ache a little when he sees me serve my selfishness or serve without joy. But as I grow with Jesus, as he nurtures and teaches me, I can soar with his joy in my heart.

As we approach our Chatham Serves event this October, don’t just sign up for a project because you feel obligated.  Look at the list. Take time to pray and reflect.  Find a project that is calling you to outwardly serve as an expression of your love of Jesus.  Go serve with joy!

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