Ineffable "Hesed"

God is love. When we take up permanent residence in a life of love, we live in God and God lives in us. This way, love has the run of the house, becomes at home and matures in us…. (The Message Bible paraphrase of the passage that includes I John 4:16-17a).

The Hebrew language has this wonderful word: hesed. The trouble is, there is no succinct way to define it. Which, right there, is evidence it must have to do with the ineffable— (the definition of which is “too great for words”)—LORD GOD.

To convey His ineffable hesed— (feel free to think “love” when you read that word)—God used stories that would resonate through the ages, rather than using definitions. 

Since we are 21st century folks who like definitions, though, I lifted this small sampling from the eight long paragraphs worth of hesed definitions available at (Attempting to define what is “too great for words” obviously results in lots of words!)

Hesed is not merely an emotion or feeling but involves action on behalf of someone who is in need.” 

“Acts of hesed are always performed freely, under no obligation or fear of reprisal. The inspiration behind hesed is born of the relationship between the two parties.” 

“Hesed runs deeper than social expectations, responsibilities, fluctuating emotions, or what is deserved or earned by the recipient.  Hesed finds its home in committed, familial love, and it comes to life in actions.”

Eight paragraphs of such profound definitions leave no doubt hesed is beyond what humans are capable of generating apart from the well-spring of such love—Jesus.

Some believers fall into the trap of believing a commandment is something they need to fulfill by their own willpower. In that case, "A new commandment I give you: Love one another” (John 13:34a) could sound like a burden to them. But remember, Jesus then said, “As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34b).

“As I have loved you” is the key. It is what that Message Bible quote is saying about us taking up permanent residence in a life of love, living in God and God living in us. It is love thereby having the run of the house, becoming at home and maturing in us. 

We admit that on our own we are incapable of hesed. But we aren’t on our own. We know the One for whom hesed comes naturally, and, since He abides in us and we in Him, He can pour that love into and out through us to others.

Earlier I noted that God informed us of hesed through stories. Take a minute to think of a story you have of loving another, or being loved by another, in that ineffable hesed way of Jesus. And yes, you can include your stories of directly experiencing Jesus’ hesed for you. 

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