Everything new

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!”
- Revelation 21:5
Here we stand, on the precipice of the new. The day is coming when God will declare the words from today’s passage: “I am making everything new!” Those words will send shockwaves through everything that’s old and janky and broken. Those words send shivers down our spines.
Can you feel the goosebumps as you think about this new-making declaration? The one who has the power to change everything has rolled up his sleeves. The Creator is smiling and has that glint in his eye that says that he’s got a brilliant inspiration.
Today we stand in that still, small space between the promise and the power. The words of the promise crash over us. The sight of the power fills us with hope.
God will make everything new.
Your past and your present will be made new.
Your body and your mind will be made new.
Your friendships and family will be made new.
You will be made new.
Our church will be made new.
Our neighborhoods will be made new.
Our county and our country and our world will be made new.
We will be made new.
The rocks and the hills will be made new.
The rivers and the trees will be made new.
The sun and the sky and the stars will be made new.
Everything will be made new.
Every dog and every cat
Every monkey and every child
Every mouse and every dirty rat
Everything that’s wild
We will all – every one of us –
We will all be made new.
Do you believe this is true?

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