Empowered for a Purpose

“We all have different gifts. Each gift came because of the grace God gave us …” (Romans 12:6, ERV)

Have you ever wondered why God gave us the gifts that He did? Do you think God’s gifts were given to merely improve our personal lives, or could there be a more significant purpose? 

Paul shares that we all have different gifts that were given to us by God’s grace.  He said we “ALL” have gifts. Therefore, even if you don’t feel that the Holy Spirit has gifted you- He has.  You just need to ask God to reveal your gifts to you.  A good place to start is to read over the list of gifts in Romans 12. You might have a gift of prophecy, serving, teaching, comforting others, giving generously, leading, or showing kindness  

Paul says these gifts were given to us because of “God’s grace”. That means that there is no room for pride. We can’t take credit for our gifts. Instead, we need to think about God’s purpose and how He wants us to use our gifts in order to keep us on track. 

Since we know that we have these gifts, what does God want us to do with them? I think it is clear that He empowered us for a purpose that reaches far beyond our own personal benefit.  We need to exercise our gifts, but we need to do it with humility (v3). These gifts weren’t just given to us to use for ourselves, they were given to serve the Lord and contribute to the needs of the saints. These gifts don’t need to only “happen” in church, they can be used to serve God in every facet of our lives.

Just think about how wonderful it would be if everyone in our church exercised their gifts. No volunteers would feel overworked, and God could meet the needs of so many people through us.

You might know an area that you have been gifted in, but you aren’t using those gifts to serve the Lord and His church. I encourage you to pray about where and how God wants to use you. The Holy Spirit has empowered you with unique and important gifts for a purpose.  Why not start using them today?

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