Doing What’s Difficult: Loving with Abandon


Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality. (Romans 12:9-13 ESV)

Life is difficult. A lot of times things seem very complicated to overcome, and some obstacles seem impossible to overcome at all. None of us have perfect health, finances, relationships, work situations, and a strong bond with the Lord, all at the same time. Our health may have a chip in it, or a relationship may be distant. When things are not going perfectly, it becomes difficult to do what we know is right.

The first part of this week’s passage talks all about how people need each other for our different skill sets (v. 4-8). As true as that is, I want to really focus on why we should help each other. 

“How am I to be hospitable to people I don’t normally spend time with?”

“How can I love people well when I have broken relationships?”

 “How is it possible to be patient when things are going wrong?”

We were created in God’s image, and even though we are not perfect, we can still try our very best to imitate His ways. This is why we should help others; we were made to be like Christ and love others with abandon. These “commands” (v. 9-13), however, are more similar to an invitation, one to be like Christ! Yes, trying to be like Christ can be even more difficult and strenuous, but we can start with smaller things, like helping a neighbor bring in their groceries.

We can choose to follow this week’s verses even when things are tough, and in doing so, we are blessing those around us who also may be struggling, as well as discover new talents/passions in our own lives. It may be challenging doing what is difficult and helping others, but we should rest assured that by doing so, we are imitating Christ to the best of our abilities!

This weekend is Chatham Serves. If you are able, challenge yourself to go out and serve the community, even if it isn’t overly easy or convenient. There are so many opportunities for you to serve, whether it be landscaping, cooking breakfast, or donating blood (sign up for these and more at: We are all going through struggles, but this amazing event is just one way that you can give back to others who need some encouragement, and ultimately live into who we were created to be!


Thank you! That means a lot. I’m excited to read your next one :)
Bella, I really liked your devotion today. I like your ideas about how to start with something easy and not get overwhelmed with the final goal of becoming like Christ.

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