Creating New Lives Through God’s Wisdom

Proverbs 8:22-36

If you were to ask me to define wisdom, the first word that comes to mind would be creativity. Britannica defines creativity as the “ability to make or otherwise bring into existence something new”. A high level of knowledge, ability or understanding is the springboard for creative individuals. Steve Jobs, Einstein and Michelangelo all used their expertise to generate something unique. And while creativity is often used to describe the force behind artistic pursuits or innovative solutions to problems, it can also be used to explain the application of wisdom, more specifically godly wisdom, in developing new selves. And when we are changed, our lives are changed. 

Our current series focuses on the how wisdom helps us find a way through the chaos of life. Proverbs 8:22-29 describes, in some of the most poetic language in the Bible, how God, in His wisdom, created our world. Out of chaos, He gave form and function to earth, the heavens and us. Something new was born.

How can godly wisdom teach us how to navigate our chaotic world? It is important to remember that wisdom is not a static process. It takes practice and commitment, like anything worthwhile. It also takes time. We don’t arrive at the status of sage and call it a day.

Now, then, my children, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways.

Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not disregard it” (Proverbs 8:32-33).

God seeks to partner with us on our path, giving us knowledge and understanding of His “ways” if we seek it out. What tools do we have at our disposal?  Studying the Bible, listening to sermons, praying and works of service are all ways to incorporate God’s wisdom into our daily life choices. We are “blessed” when we do this and different than we would be if God were not in the mix. 

I took a poll this week.

I asked a handful of people, both Christian and non-Christian, for their definition of wisdom. After that, I asked an additional question to my Christian folks, “What is the difference between wisdom and godly wisdom?” One of my oldest friends clarified the difference between godly wisdom and wisdom with the following story of driving her elderly and very compromised mother to Raleigh on Good Friday. As you recall, the weather was terrible. She stated:

“I knew it would be difficult, taking mother to see relatives. She would complain the whole time in the car and not give me any credit for arranging the reunion. But instead of just keeping my mouth shut and not reacting, which is sometimes the best I can do and is a form of wisdom, I chose to elevate things by praying hard. And what I came away with was a sense of peace because it didn’t matter whether my mother appreciated my efforts or not, the only one I need to please is Jesus. Peace replaced the inner resentment I would have felt, and it was good.”

Are there areas of your life where you can apply godly wisdom and create new ways of being?

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