Are Your Traditions Worth Holding Onto?

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“Jesus is the new and living way opened for us” (Hebrews 10:20).

Recall a tradition your family has adhered to over the years, generations even: the age-worn star now atop your Christmas tree, the tooth fairy pillow, front porch pictures in new school clothes. Our lives are steeped in traditions, and just try tampering with them! I shocked my mother by suggesting lemon cake for my wedding: “That’s just not traditional!” My sister married into a family that opened gifts on Christmas Eve; she was mortified.

Traditions, even if we think some are ridiculous, are important to us, to others. Yes, we’ll get over wedding guests shuddering at the taste of lemon in their mouths, but would I have torn at the fabric of my family by insisting on my way, by thoughtlessly discarding a tradition important to my mother? Tradition comforts us. That’s the way it’s always been can be reassuring. The danger here is discarding thoughtful analysis; I should have asked my mother, just why is this important to you? 

Jewish Christians came to Christian faith with lives bordered by generations of sacred traditions. The writer in Hebrews 10 specifically asks them to reconsider their priestly and sacrificial system since Jesus has become their permanent Living Sacrifice, providing forgiveness once and for all (10:12,14). We don’t offer animal sacrifices, but what traditions do we hold onto because “that’s the way we did it in our home church”? Think musical choice, attire, the accepted translation of the Bible. Think bigger picture: do we include other races in our church, do we approve of women in leadership roles, should Christians get involved in politics? We do something over and over and over; repetition builds habit. And after a while, we don’t even consider the rationale behind it. But what if these traditions were never what God fully intended? What if they have, in light of Jesus’ once-for-all sacrifice, outlived whatever usefulness we saw in them?

Is it time to rethink an old tradition and perhaps swap it out for God’s better plan?

Do you hold any personal traditions involving your faith? Do you always have your quiet time at 9:15am, always say grace before a meal? Pray that those traditions never become so routine that we lose the sense of awe at the very privilege of coming into God’s presence or of reading His own words.

Does our church have a tradition that slightly annoys you because you “don’t get it” or you think your maturity has moved you beyond it? Pray right now to understand the rationale behind that tradition. If it still bothers you, might God be leading us to change a tradition that might more accurately reflect His mission for us?

What traditions does our church have that resonate with you? Choose one that is special to you and illuminates the glory of God for you. Thank God He has instituted it at CCC, and thank Him for the blessing you receive.

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