A Ministry of Mom Hugs

Acts 17:16-32

Here’s a link to the entire passage!

Almost two years ago, Pastor Alex asked if I would consider volunteering with our high school youth group, and one of my first thoughts was, “Am I cool enough to hang out with teenagers?” I’m a former high school teacher, but I've spent the last 10+ years at home raising babies and toddlers and grade-schoolers. I wasn’t immediately convinced I was qualified or cool enough for the job, but despite all that, I agreed.

I started by just observing at our Tuesday night meetings. Then I began serving them the dinner we eat together and asking how their days had gone. I noticed which snacks and drinks they liked most and made sure those were on hand. I asked them questions about their interests, and I ended up learning a lot about sports, theater, dance, animal rescue, and TikTok. I immersed myself in the culture of the group the best I could so I could share God’s love with them in ways they’d best respond to.

Our scriptures this week find Paul in Athens. He was in a new place and among people he didn’t know much about, but that didn’t stop him from sharing the Good News. Paul went out of his way to be neighborly–he talked with them about his ideas and theirs in the synagogue (v17); he engaged in a debate in one of their important meeting places (v19); he walked around Athens and immersed himself in the local culture (v23); he even quoted their poetry to them (v28). Paul wasn’t from Athens and was only visiting, but he was neither detached nor indifferent to the people there. The result of his stay there wasn’t a huge group of converts, but rather a few (v34). Was it worth the journey and the effort of getting to know a people and culture other than his own? Absolutely!

The last couple of years I’ve spent with our high-schoolers have been unexpectedly sweet! I listen a lot and give advice when asked, but mostly I give out “mom hugs.” Sometimes that’s all they need, and if it brightens the day of just one, it’s all been worth it.

Sometimes being a neighbor means stepping outside your comfort zone! Are there opportunities in your life that you’ve overlooked because they required a certain level of discomfort? Pray that God would help you be aware of them today. 

PS–we can never have too many adults volunteering with our middle and high school youth groups! I can confirm our students will *not* eat you alive, and you’ll have lots of fun getting to know them! Let Dave know if you're interested: dave.taylor@chathamchurch.org

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