A Ballerina’s Wild Ride


“When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I’ll listen. When you come looking for me, you’ll find me. Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed.” Jeremiah 29:12,13 MSG

Our daughter used to collect snow globes. One in the collection had a piece loose on the inside, and once shaken the miniature ballerina was in for a wild ride on the swirls of water and fake snow. She bumped into the sides of the glass and the miniature trees along the way all with arms extended in 5th position, and a serene smile plastered on her plastic face.  

Life feels like this sometimes, right? Sometimes it’s because of our own actions, sometimes it’s out of our control, and there’s not always an explanation for chaos. Regardless of the catalyst, sometimes our lives are picked up and shaken all around, and there’s nothing we can do but sort out the swirling chaos that’s left behind…serene smiles optional.

Jeremiah 29:1-14 describes a time the not-so-innocent Israelites had been picked up and shaken all around because of their continued disobedience. When the dust settled they found themselves in exile far from home. What did the Israelites do when chaos swirled around them?

History tells us that many of them followed God’s instructions to build houses and make themselves at home (v5), put in gardens and eat what grew in Babylon (v6), and for them and their children to get married and put down roots (v7). 

Even though their own actions played part in their exile, God still remained faithful and willing to be found. God was steady in their chaos, and He’s steady in the midst of ours. Regardless of the reasons we might find ourselves bumping around in the swirly waters of chaos and fake snow, God is always there. He’s always ready with a plan for our success if we’re willing to go the Way of Wisdom with Him.

It wasn’t uncommon for the Israelites to collectively go hundreds of years before coming to their senses and remembering that the best way to live, the wisest way to live, was with God. Let’s commit to learning from their mistakes and take a *little* less time to get serious about seeking God! 

Pray this with me today: thank you, God, for never abandoning us in the midst of chaos. Thank you for the reassurance that when we call out to you, you listen, and when we go looking for you, you’ll be found. Amen.

1 Comment

Jess, I’m going to remember this vivid snow globe image for a very long time. It’s a perfect symbol for how we can feel unmoored when everything around us is chaotic. Thank you for the reminder that God will set the snow globe down and settle our circumstances if we’ll call out.

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