Talk or Fruit?


Does merely talking about faith indicate that a person really has it? (James 2:14 MSG)

When the teenagers come home from school they will occasionally give me more information about their days than, “School was fine.” On those lucky days they’ll tell me something they’ve heard in a particular class, and I always enjoy watching their eyes light up as they tell me about whatever new thing they’ve learned. More often than not what’s new to them is not new to me, but I listen attentively anyway.

The teenagers get carried away sometimes, as teenagers so wonderfully do, and they talk about these new and exciting things like they’re experts on the topic. *


…if a teenager talks about the science behind genetic diseases, are they considered a doctor?

…if a teenager talks about the steps to writing a short story but never actually writes one, can they be considered a writer?

…if a teenager talks about how to manipulate clay on a potter’s wheel but never creates anything…can they be considered a sculptor?

Nope! There’s work to be done to make the leap from novice learner to bona fide participant.

This doesn’t just apply to teenagers. Does talking about money make it appear in your bank account? Does talking about exercise make your muscles grow? Does talking about that marathon you plan on running increase your endurance? Of course not! Action needs to be taken for any of those things to be true.

The same can be said for our faith: does only talking about it make it real? Does talking about it a LOT make us faith experts? No, because the fruit of our faith is shown in how we treat those around us, not in how much we run our mouths. Are we loving them in tangible ways? Or are we just talking about our faith on Sundays and doing whatever serves ourselves best the other days of the week? 

Chatham Serves is one way our church pairs faith with action, and it’s always a huge blessing to our community. There is no minimum time to have attended before you qualify for assistance. There are no hoops to jump through and no strings attached. Just a church connecting people to God, to each other, and engaging our world for good.

I’ve participated in close to ten Chatham Serves projects over the years, and you know what? They’ve been a blessing to me every time, too! There’s still time to sign up for a project–you can do so at


We're all experts until it's time to put our money where our mouth is, aren't we? :)
Using those everyday examples, Jess, makes the point about living out our faith so much more real. They all make such perfect sense that I’m left realizing do I talk more than I act? Thank you for that challenge.

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