We want to connect with Jesus every day in the midst of our day-to-day lives. All too often we fall into a rhythm where we feel close to Jesus on Sundays or during special events, but lose track of him once we circle back to ordinary time. He's got more for us. These short episodes from the team at Chatham Community Church will help you on the way.
New to podcasting? You can listen to these short audio clips (10-25 minutes each) right on the church website. You can also download them onto your computer. Or you can use your favorite podcasting service to subscribe.
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This is a chance to ask follow-up questions after Sunday morning's message. Alex and Jaime will select several of them and share their thoughts on our Wednesday episode every week. The Q&A will be recorded on Monday, so questions submitted on Sunday have a higher likelihood of getting a response.
Listen to Alex and Jaime's responses over at www.onthewaypodcast.org.
How do you submit a question? Right here!
If you want to submit a question on Sunday morning, you can write it on the Connection Card and put it in the offering basket or hand it to a pastor.
For the sake of clarity, please don't email or text questions. We don't want your great questions to get lost in the shuffle!!!