Welcome! Chatham Community Church is a place to find connection and community.
One of our core values is to be a church that is relationally connected. We believe people were made to thrive in community with God and each other. We invite you into a community of faithful love, service, and joy.
Contact us, or make a request for prayer.
Join a Small Group - it's how we do life together. Click here to find a group at a place and time that works for you.
Connect Youth - Help your student grow in faith and friendship in Student Ministries
Take a class, get support - Marriage Class, Divorce Care, GriefShare, Financial Health
Dig in - Grow deeper in the knowledge and practice of your faith with our Connect Devotional and focused study groups for men, women's group in the morning and evening
Serve on a Team - Share your faith, time, and talent in meaningful work for Jesus and our community - Connect with a team leader: Congregational Care, D.A.R.R.T. (hands on help for those in need), Chatham Kids, Student Ministries, Prayer Team, Welcome Team, Hospitality Team, Music Team, Tech Team, Building Maintenance Team, Chatham Serves Team, Community Festival Team, Easter Eggstravaganza Team
Learn more about Chatham Families and Chatham Kids.
Come and Sing! - lend your voice to a great community Chatham Choir