Summer Better - Hard Topics, Better Conversations
Every Thursday until July 25, 2024
7:00pm – 8:30pm
We are into another fractious and angry political season. And "politics" is far from the only hard topics and difficult conversations we often find ourselves in! Are you facing some hard conversations with family? With a friend, neighbor or colleague? When it comes to the various hard conversations you take part in, are you a "combatant," preparing to go to war for what you know to be true? Are you "exhausted" and just wanting to withdraw from it all? Maybe a "cynic," someone who says "A plague on all their houses!" and sees yourself being "above it all" and indifferent to the messy world of hard conversations?
Join Terry Dorsey and Brian Emmet at our North Chatham campus for a four-week exploration of how to have better conversations about hard topics -- including politics! The course will help us think about what it means to be faithful disciples of Jesus in the midst of difficult conversations about controversial topics, and how to have hard conversations in ways that represent Jesus and his Kingdom faithfully and fruitfully.
To sign up or to see other Summer Better classes, click here.