Men's Half-Day Retreat

September 28, 2024
8:00am – 1:00pm
Kick off the fall, and ignite your life, by setting aside a morning for Jesus + you!
Our next men's half-day retreat will be at NCH on Saturday, September 28, from 8 AM -- 1 PM (general schedule below). There is no cost. We start and end on time, and ask that, if you're coming, you stay for the whole time.
The retreat is structured around you + Jesus time. The focus of the retreat is not on doing for Jesus, it's on being with Jesus, on providing an opportunity and invitation to simply be as available, attentive, and receptive to Jesus as possible.
We use one of Alex's Greenhouse Retreats as a template for the retreat, but there is no pressure to "do it all" or even use it, if the Spirit leads you in a different direction. If you're not familiar with these GRs, they're really good! Here's a sample:
GR Vol. 2 Issue 8.StandFirm.April.2024.FE
Space is limited and RSVPs (to are requested and appreciated. Feel free to invite others (but please let me know if you do). If you have questions or need more information, please contact Brian!