When (Not If) Opposition Comes

Nehemiah 4

What are you trying to rebuild? It isn't likely the walls of a city, but whatever it is it matters: to you, to God, and perhaps to others. Just know this: opposition will come. Here, for Nehemiah and the Jews, it comes - and it comes immediately - from clear enemies. 

Sanballat and Tobias, likely fearing the rebuilding project as a threat to their place in the land and to what they have been able to do with impunity for decades, ridiculed the Jews repeatedly. This attack, since it also ridiculed their God, propelled the Jews first to pray (4:4). Shouldn't this be our first response? Rather than defend ourselves, let's take our concerns to God, share with Him our fear, our anger, even our desire for our enemies' defeat ("give them over as plunder" [4:4b]). Then, we need to get to work ("so we rebuilt the wall" [4:6a]). 

This balance of faith and works is critical. As we put our faith in action, heeding what we feel God has asked us to do in this season of rebuilding, God will work through us and in us. The path forward may not be easy. It certainly wasn't for those rebuilding Jerusalem's walls! Sanballat and Tobias were not easily dissuaded from their campaign of intimidation, and it worked. The people did grow fearful, but they continued to pray: "Our God will fight for us" (4:20b). They also "continued the work" (4:21a). 

Your rebuilding project may not be facing easily identified enemies. Perhaps well-meaning friends or family members are trying to dissuade you, suggesting your effort to rebuild is too much work, insinuating it might not even be necessary. Perhaps you are your own enemy here, feeling the task is way too difficult. Whatever the source -- enemy, friend, your own self -- it is still opposition. Doubt ("our strength...is giving out" [4:10]), questions ("will they.... will they.... will they?” [4:2]), embarrassment, and fear ("[we] will kill [you] and put an end to the work" (4:11b) are still Satan's tools to discourage us from pursuing what we know God desires, to make us feel unsuited to the task, to imply giving up is the best, safest course. Don't dismiss Satan's tactics; they work, which is why he continues to employ them. Don't fall victim to his tactics; stay faithful to the task. "Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for [your rebuilding project]” (4:14b). 

Take a few minutes to contemplate the rebuilding project God has laid on your heart. I pray you are experiencing success, but if you are struggling, remember that those city walls did not get built swiftly or easily either. It might help to identify your opposition, bring it to God, and claim His intervention, His power over your foes.

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