The Shouting Stones


Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your disciples!” “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”
- Luke 19:39-40
In today’s passage, Jesus points to a very important truth: God is worthy of our praise.
Here’s the context—Jesus’ disciples are loudly praising God and the Pharisees (for whatever reason) are trying to stifle the joyful noise. They try to convince Jesus to become the polite enforcer of socially appropriate behavior. And he won’t do it.
Instead, Jesus points the Pharisees to a deep theological truth. God is worth praising. How easy it is to forget that! Praising God is one of the most appropriate things to do with him.
As human beings, we’re uniquely positioned to praise God. We have a particular perspective on his goodness, a history with his grace toward our human race, and a sweet connection with him—Jesus Christ, fully human and fully divine.
But our unique position doesn’t mean we’re the only ones who get to praise God.
All creation pours our praise to God. The trees clap their hands. The mountains dance their tumbling, thousand-year steps. The racing rabbits testify in their fuzzy, cheerful contentment to the glory of our creative God. The very stones are waiting their chance to cry aloud their testimony about God’s glory.
God will be praised. Will we join in the chorus? Our invitation, according to CS Lewis, is to “become as perfect in voluntary obedience as the inanimate creation is in its lifeless obedience” (The Weight of Glory).
What would it look like for you to join the good work that’s currently being done by Nature to offer your appropriate praise to God?

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