The Lord is My Strength


The Lord is my strength and my defense;
he has become my salvation.
He is my God, and I will praise him,
my father’s God, and I will exalt him.

- Exodus 15:2

Through the celebration song in Exodus 15, the narrative continues to broaden our understanding of the Lord's identity, to answer the question that hangs over the whole book: "Who is the Lord?"

Today, we hear "The Lord is my strength."

We feel our weakness in so many places. We don't know what to do with our weaknesses. Do we hide them? Do we strive against them? Do we ignore it? In some seasons, we find ourselves overmatched by our circumstances. We can't make it through on our own strength.

And, let's face it, there would be a certain relief that would come if we could lean on the Lord's strength. He'd be strong so we wouldn't have to be. He'd be strong so we could be strong too. We could relax ... if we could allow him to be our strength.

Would you like the Lord to be your strength today?

Here's how to move in that direction ...

  • Identify a place in your life where you need the Lord to be your strength
  • Ask God: "Would you be the strong one here?"
  • Hold your hands out and "release it" to the Lord
  • Step into that situation with a God-centered confidence

1 Comment

I have been looking back to when I did not know God except for the fact that I believed that he was the creator. That is all I believed. I did not know how to have healthy relationships and did not know who to turn to, but wound up with severely broken hearts because I loved certain people and these people vanished from my life, I was abandoned. Now it is decades later and I understand that I cannot rely on people to meet my deepest needs. I need Jesus for every situation...small and big.

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