Stepping out in faith and community

On the third day Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the palace, in front of the king’s hall. The king was sitting on his royal throne in the hall, facing the entrance.

- Esther 5:1

Put yourself in Esther’s place for a moment. Approaching the king without his invitation risks a death sentence. And there he is, in the inner court of the palace, at the far end of the long hallway, sitting on his royal throne. You feel every inch of the distance between you and him. Every inch of that distance is filled with uncertainty and danger.

What will happen?

Esther stepped out in faith. She has confidence in the Lord, that he can help her. She’d just set aside several days to fast and pray before approaching the king.

Esther stepped out in faith and she also stepped out in community. Although she approached the king all by herself, her community – Mordecai, Esther’s attendants and all the Jewish people in Susa – had spent the past several days fasting and praying with her. Perhaps they were fasting and praying for her still.

Where is God is calling you to pray and step out? How can you provide prayer covering for someone else?

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