Spirit and Truth

A time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 
- from John 4:23
There’s so much packed into this one tiny verse.
Time has been rolling along forever and ever but is now interrupted. The moment in which Jesus and the woman with whom he’s speaking is a pregnant moment, full of potential and life and transformation. The world would be radically different even just a generation later.
The Father actively recruits men and women to follow him and respond to his goodness and glory. He doesn’t sit on a cloud watching history; he’s fully engaged.
And people begin responding to God. They respond to God, as Bob Kauflin says, “in ways that please him and that he alone makes possible.” They respond to God as he really is and as he has revealed himself – in truth. And they respond to God as he empowers them and fills them – in Spirit. Truth and Spirit go hand-in-hand.
A lot of our ministry of responding to the questions we hear our friends asking involves speaking and pointing to truth. We can pile up data and facts and research to help people better understand the Jesus who we love. But we need the Holy Spirit to be at work too. None of our answers can turn a heart of stone into a passionate, beating, full-alive heart.
Will you take time today to pray that those folks in your life who are asking great questions would hear the truth and experience God’s Spirit? Would you ask that they would have a decisive moment with God this week? And would you ask that you’d get to be a part of it?

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