

Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world...But now my kingdom is from another place.” John 18:36

There aren’t many trees on the plains of the upper Midwest, but what varieties there are are sturdy. They are quite strong and able to withstand the constant winds that blow across the wide open spaces. Harsh prairie winds serve as strengthening exercises for these trees, and they are havens for wildlife; a windbreak and reprieve from precipitation. What grows above ground isn’t beautiful in a typical way, but underneath the prairie soil is a hefty root system that allows the trees to remain steadfast in an exposed environment.

So it is with us! Christ followers can be compared to these prairie trees: somewhat scattered, exposed, and constantly barraged by harsh winds. The kingdom of heaven is our deep, fertile soil, and we bundle ourselves in layers of the Truth and Knowledge of God’s love. We lean into the biting winds of changing cultural trends knowing that this world is not our permanent home. When we are firmly rooted in heavenly soil we serve as a refuge for those around us.

We create all sorts of personal kingdoms for ourselves, don’t we? Kingdoms at home, kingdoms at work, kingdoms that revolve around money, interests, or country. They’re all slippery slopes, because all are fickle and offer shallow root systems. All are easily toppled when the winds of change blow, and none are rooted in the fertile soil of the kingdom of heaven.

The hardy trees that grow on the prairie don’t waste any time pretending to be palm trees on a sandy beach or a towering redwood in a giant forest, nor should we waste time pretending to belong to kingdoms of the world. Jesus certainly didn’t! In his last hours Jesus refused to bow to a manmade kingdom, though his actions in those moments quite literally determined his life or death. He was resolute in the knowledge of where his kingdom was--heaven!--and we have the power to stand firm, too.

How is your root system? What kind of soil are you growing in? Ask God to show you personal kingdoms you have created, then ask God for help in cultivating a firm root system in heavenly soil

1 Comment

Jessica, I love your metaphor. We have a tree in our backyard that lists to the right. Our neighbor suggested we take it out. But when she told us its backstory, I knew we wouldn't. It turns out they had seen it planted before we moved in. It had been a long hot summer and the poor little tree had lost all its leaves. They were sure it would die. But it didn't. It recovered. I've been "rooting" for it ever since. All of us who aren't "perfect trees" have probably survived some harsh conditions.
I also appreciate the not pretending to be a different kind of tree.
So much to ponder here! Thank youj!

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