Peace to you

On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!”
- John 20:19
What do you think the disciples would have expected to hear from the risen Jesus?
“Boo!”??? I mean, he had died. But he wasn’t a ghost (more on that tomorrow).
So, if it wasn’t that, maybe they’d expect to hear a sad: “You guys are such a disappointment.” They had talked a big game as they marched into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and in the week that followed, but in the decisive moment had abandoned Jesus in order to save their own lives. The burden of shame can be so heavy on the other side of a failure.
What would you expect Jesus to say to you if you met him today? Digging into that question can give you a flash of insight into a) how you see Jesus and b) how you see yourself.
When Jesus speaks “Peace” into the situation, he transforms the disciples fear into joy, extraordinary joy. The living presence of Jesus eclipses the threat of the religious leaders. And a new chapter of history opens.
Look around your life today. Where do you need Jesus to speak “Peace” into your life? In which situations and relationships are you longing for the restoration of the way things are supposed to be?

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