Part of something bigger


From now on all generations will call me blessed,
    for the Mighty One has done great things for me—
    holy is his name.
- from Luke 1:48-49
Mary’s song in response to the news that Christmas is coming is deeply embedded in her bigger community.
Her song pours out as she goes to visit her older cousin Elizabeth. She closes her song with an acknowledgement that God has proven to be faithful to her ancestors and promises to do likewise for her descendants. And, in today’s verses, Mary shares her sense that the blessing she receives will resound throughout the generations.
God’s work doesn’t start with us. He’s been at work in our communities and the world long before we came onto the scene. We get swept up into God’s bigger and broader activity. He pulls us onto the dance floor to join the celebration.
You are part of a global movement that even now speaks the truth to power, shines the light in darkness, and holds firm in the face of persecution. Open Doors USA estimates that this month 322 Christian will be killed for their faith (click here to learn more: And yet the good news of Jesus keeps us hanging in there.
You are part of a historical movement who fought slavery, curbed infanticide, and sparked the rise of hospitals, universities, and the Salvation Army (a great, Christmas staple). We’re all sinners, but with God’s empowerment have made a huge impact for the good.
Would you give thanks for the generations that have gone before you and pray for those who are currently suffering for their faith in Christ?

1 Comment

Great, inspiring devotion! I will certainly pray for the ones who went before and those in the battle now. This post reminded me a little of A WRINKLE IN TIME and fighting the darkness. Thank you!

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