Mutually Assured Destruction

If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.
- Galatians 5:15

When you're in a conflict situation, one strategy you can use to navigate your way is to "roll the tape on that decision." Play your decision out in your head and think about what the consequences and repercussions will be. You might not be able to see exactly how it will turn out, but the exercise is informative.

In this week's passage, Paul "rolls the tape" on the biting and devouring style conflict that the Galatians are having with each other. He shows them what's going to happen if they continue in these particular patterns of conflict.

God has a desire for us / a design for us to live in right relationship with each other. When we stray from this desire and design, there are consequences for us. And when we operate the way we're designed to operate, there are blessings that follow.

You've probably seen this play out in a relationship. A conflict creates collateral damage, careening out of control. Both parties end up losing. One might even win the conflict, but still lose in the process. Like a nuclear arsenal, the biting and devouring power of our words is too dangerous to use safely.

Take some time today to pray for those who have been wounded by conflicts. Ask God to heal the bites and restore that which has been devoured. Pray that God would bring peace and wholeness to those who are hurting.

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