First God, Then Coffee


“So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.” (Numbers 6: 27)

This week I had a great conversation with my wife about prayers.  When I asked her how often she prays, she had a very thought-provoking response.  “It’s tough to say, because you can pray in so many different ways.”  Which is very true.

I noted some examples in my life. Pastor-led prayers at church. Our family blessing before dinner.  Quiet conversations with the Lord during my walks and runs.  And of course, my “in case of emergency” prayers in response to some immediate struggle.

Indeed, there’s lots of ways to pray.  

In this passage from the Bible, God is giving Aaron instructions specific to a blessing for all his people.  As I reflected on the words God gave to be used as a blessing, I thought about how I most often pray.  Usually my prayers involve some sort of “in the now” struggle. I need something or I am hoping for a specific thing to happen.

But the prayer in Numbers calls upon priests to place God’s name on the Israelites so that God may bless them.  It is a calling for God’s presence in their lives.  It says that these people belong to God, and God belongs first in their life.  

As I reflect on my own prayer life, I’m asking myself how often do I ask for God to bless my life?  Sometimes, but it’s often in the form of, “Hey God, bless me by giving me this specific thing I think I need to be happy.” 

What if instead, I built a habit this year of asking for God to bless my life by putting him first and asking him to be present?  

What if I changed my orientation so that the foundation of my happiness was not the stuff I think I need but instead started with the presence of God?

And what if I made a simple change in my prayer life to make asking for God’s blessing something I do every morning, as part of my routine? Reflecting on last year, I’m certain I started every single morning with a cup of coffee.  What if before I poured that first cup of coffee, I put God first by asking for his blessing on me?

Like my wife said, there’s many ways to pray.  So, I can take inspiration from the words God gave the Israelites:

Lord, bless me 

Lord, keep me

Lord, be present with me today, 

because when I put you first, you’re all that I need

And once I’ve asked for God’s blessing, then coffee!

Be inspired this week to add a blessing to your routine.  Regardless of how, when, or even if you pray, find that spot in your routine that you do every day.  Before you do it, add a prayer of blessing, asking for God to be present in your life today.

1 Comment

Your devotional is so good, Dave, and since coffee is the first thing I reach for as well, it’s a perfect time to stop while it’s brewing and pray, “May Your presence go with me in this untouched day ahead and Your favor be upon me.” It’s His presence we need more than anything else. Thank you for this nudge to pray for His presence regularly and deliberately.

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