Duty and Delight in the arena of Adoration


I will exalt you, my God the King;
I will praise your name for ever and ever.

- Psalm 145:1

Psalm 145 overflows with praise for the Lord. David, the poet who wrote the psalm, praised the Lord for what the Lord had done in history--his activity in the world.  But he also celebrated his goodness, righteouseness, compassion, graciousness, trustworthiness, generosity and justice--not just what God had done but who he was.

Some of us struggle when it comes to praising God. We wonder why it's necessary. Some of us ask "Is God some insecure middle-schooler who needs us to prop him up?"

CS Lewis, one of our favorite authors, helped us understand the importance of praising God in this paragraph from his "Reflections on the Psalms":

I think we delight to praise what we enjoy because the praise not merely expresses but completes the enjoyment; it is its appointed consummation. It is not out of compliment that lovers keep on telling one another how beautiful they are; the delight is incomplete till it is expressed. 

How would it change your experience of praising God if you did it to complete your delight, rather than to fulfill your duty?

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1 Comment

Music is very special to me, and I so appreciate the gifted people who make music. I met my favorite singer 3 times over the past several years, and the first time I stood in front of him and praised him up and down, telling him that he had the best voice I ever heard...on and on...he is a very humble person and at one point he just could not take it anymore, he said "let me just give you a hug"
Well, with God, I have been praising him for his beautiful creation, nature, the fall days, and for going after lost sheep like me. I like to tell people how wonderful they are, and most people feel a little uncomfortable with that.....praising God is finally getting easier for me.

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