Daily and Weekly Rhythms

One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer—at three in the afternoon.
- Acts 3:1

In today’s passage, we see Peter and John continuing their daily rhythm. Day in and day out, they would gather with all of the other followers of Jesus to pray in the temple courts. This day would be different from the days and weeks that preceded it, but they didn’t know that. They were just going about their business.

We never know which days will prove to be full of extraordinary events. Like Peter and John, we go about our business, seeking to be faithful to God in our day-to-day lives.

What does that look like for you?

Peter and John had established a rhythm for their life in Jerusalem. Every day around 3 in the afternoon, they’d stop whatever else they were doing and head to the temple. They would worship God and pray. They would see their fellow believers and connect with friends. They would look for ways to serve the people God had gathered around them.

God used Peter and John’s daily rhythm to bless a man who needed healing (more on that throughout the week). He can use our daily and weekly rhythms too.

What do your daily and weekly rhythms look like? Try laying them out on a sheet of paper:

  • Every day I ______________________
  • Every week I _____________________

Ask the Lord to work in and through your daily and weekly rhythms to bless people around you as you navigate your life.

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