An Adventure with God

The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.

- Genesis 12:1

This week’s passage jumps us in on the ground floor to the epic story of God’s great redemption mission.

People scattered across the face of the earth and divided by conflict groaned under the weight of their shattered humanity. The story of human brokenness is almost as old as the story of human history; but, then again, the story of God’s redemptive work is older still.

God chose Abram and made great promises to him. God chose Abram and – through him and a line of his descendants – God chose us. There’s nothing particularly remarkable about Abram, nothing about his personality or potential that sets him apart. The thing that made Abram special was his relationship with God.

Today’s passage shows us their first interaction. The Lord initiates and the Lord invites: “Go … to the land I will show you.” This invitation will come at a cost: Abram will have to leave his country, his people, and his father’s household. He will have to put the comfortable and familiar life in the rear view mirror if he wants to embark on an adventure with God.

Abram will have to be stretched. And so will we.

The adventure of life with God gives us healing and joy and blessing, but it also stretches us. We leave familiar territory, relationships, programs, and narratives behind when we launch out into this adventure.

You know what you want to do when you’re hurt, when you’re angry, when you’re confused, when you’re flush with cash, when you’re comfortable, when you’re given a great opportunity … all of that will be transformed by Jesus if you choose to go with him. You’ll pray, you’ll forgive, you’ll see guidance, you’ll give, you’ll take risks, and you’ll accept God’s boundaries. You’ll walk in step with God’s Spirit.

And you’ll be blessed.

Have you ever said ‘yes’ to an adventure with God? How did it stretch you? How did it turn out?

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