A Gift is a Terrible Thing to Waste


Having gifts that differ according to the grace given us, let us use them … (Romans 12:6).

You are gifted.  And talented!

No, not in the sense we use those terms in educational settings.  You may not be “book smart” or “school smart” or “good at” math, science, music, art, whatever.

But you?  You are gifted.  And talented!

Those gifts and talents?  Use them, in the service of our King who gave them to you.

Your gifts and talents have one source: the God who created and called you in Christ.  And they have come from God to you along several pathways.

One is your personality and temperament, the “way you’re wired.”  You popped into the world with a bunch of stuff already loaded.  You don’t know why or how you’ve always loved to draw or cook or help others, you just know you kind of always have.

A second pathway is through your history and experience, all that you’ve learned and learned how to do.  All that you have suffered through and are recovering from.  The good, bad and ugly of your life?  In and through all of it, God has been faithfully at work, fashioning you and fitting you for fruitfulness.

A third pathway: the Holy Spirit.  As you become a follower of Jesus, you start to find some things in yourself you never knew were there … because they actually weren’t there until Jesus got hold of you and poured his Spirit upon and into you.

Whether you see your gifts and talents as “natural” or “spiritual,” use them!  We are not “owed” ready-made platforms for our gifts, but as we use our gifts, we’ll find ourselves getting to use them more and more.

Listen to Paul in Romans 12 – where do your gifts and talents fit into these commands?

Love sincerely … be devoted to each other in brotherly love … honor one another … be joyful in hope, faithful in affliction, constant in prayer … share with God’s people in need … practice hospitality … rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep … live in harmony with each other … associate with the lowly … live at peace with everyone (Romans 12:9-18).

What do you bring to that kind of party?  Use it!

List two or three things you are good at, that you enjoy doing.  If you’re having trouble doing it, ask a good friend!  Now: how are you using those gifts?  And how are you shying away from using them?


I agree, Jan: so many ways God has lavishly gifted his people!
I'm bemused by people who say they have no artistic talent. Maybe they can't draw a straight line but they can create a gorgeous garden, or a tasty dinner, or dress wounds with a healing touch. God has distributed a vast array of creative gifts. Afterall, we are made in the image of the Creator. Listening to others with compassion is no less a gift than painting like Monet.

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