The Connect Devotional - a daily devotional with CCC

The connect devotional is a great way to stay connected spiritually to what our community is learning about God right now.  It is in step with the current sermon series, studying the scripture through the lens of life application.

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Archives for March 2016

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Performance v Relationship

Our place in God’s family is secured because of our relationships, not because of our performance....

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Unjustified anger

Feeling anger in the face of injustice or evil is a totally appropriate response. Even Jesus felt anger. But our anger isn’t always justified....

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Beneath the obedience

They stuff their frustration and pocket their pain so that everyone around them can focus on the crisis. But this comes at a great cost to their souls....

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The Pathway to Self-Righteousness

There’s a story behind every self-righteous person’s arrogance....

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Dead and Alive again

Jesus the son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found....

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Rehearsing your speech

The younger son comes up with a plan for how he can influence his reception when he arrives back at his father’s house....

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Come to your senses

Caught up in our own sin or our own busyness or drama, we need something to jar us out of our pattern of behavior....

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The Descent into Darkness

If you’ve ever watched VH-1’s “Behind the Music” you know where this story is going....

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Straining at the Leash

What do you think are the consequences of ignoring the ways our worst nature strains at its leash?...

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Attracting a crowd

Jesus continues to attract people to himself for different reasons....

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Core Convictions

We have to clarify what’s most essential and cling to it...

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Jesus be the center

When we think and talk about breaking through barriers, we must remain centered on Jesus....

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Unhappy Easter

Not everyone’s happy about Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem....

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Excited about Jesus

Even when things in our lives are difficult, there’s a part of us that continues burn with excitement for Jesus....

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A Legacy of Intentionality

Our decisions to tear down dividing walls in Jesus’ name will impact the generations that follow us....

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Shepherding a Breakthrough

Barnabas' first response to the breakthrough was celebration....

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Generosity and Accountability

Why did the church in Jerusalem send Barnabas to Antioch?...

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The experience of being an outsider

There’s something about the experience of being an outsider that prepares you to connect with other outsiders, even if they’re different from you....

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Old Habits Die Hard

Something had to change. And something did change....

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Sweet openness

How ready are you to listen to those who come from outside your circle of relationships? ...

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Peace Posture

In our efforts to break through barriers, we often stop short of this step of radical humility....

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Complex Privilege

If we encounter complicated power dynamics when interacting with our bosses and our in-laws, how much more will we encounter them when attempting to cross economic and ethnic divides?...

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Power Dynamics

Power dynamics often come into play when breaking through the walls that divide us....

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