“What would happen if the church disappeared?”

Before Chatham Community Church was planted, we were already asking this question. We didn’t want to build a big and boisterous church in Chatham County that had no impact on our neighbors and wouldn’t be missed.

From the founding of Chatham Church, we have cancelled our Sunday worship services several times every year to go out into Chatham County to love and serve our neighbors. We call these large-scale service events: Chatham Serves.

Joel Eisner has been a part of several Chatham Serves events. “God placed me in Chatham County to love and serve my neighbors,” said Joel. “This is something I try to do all the time, whether it’s cutting someone’s hair or fixing someone’s house. I’ve made great friends as I’ve served. And Chatham Serves is special because we don’t just do projects, we bless the people we serve.”

There’s a lot of need in Chatham County and a lot of people who need someone to give them a hand. We want to meet the physical as well as the spiritual needs of our community. Chatham Serves has projects for everyone: young and young at heart; men, women, boys and girls; we even provide childcare for the littlest ones so their parents can serve.

Mark Stith, who owns a local roofing company and leads worship at Chatham Church on Sundays, loves Chatham Serves. “The projects are well-run and we get rave reviews from the people we help,” he said. “I love to see the church put money and muscle to work and go out and hit it like an 800 pound gorilla to do good in Chatham County.”

Our mission is to connect people to God and to each other and to engage our world for good. We’d love for you to join us.

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